Sunday, November 1, 2009

best seat on a brittish airways 747 flight to san francisco

best seat on a brittish airways 747 flight to san francisco?
im goin in a week and i really wanna choose a good seat wen checking in, wat wud be the best place to sit for an 11hr flight from london???
Air Travel - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
BA Is unfair, It takes 9-10-11 hours to get to Jamaica, and we use the 777! Try that site :-
2 :
Hi I would actually go to the following website and find the layout of the plane you are on. You just search your carrier, then find the plane and there are opinions are many of the seats. Hope this helps!!
3 :
The best seat for any flight of that location is undoubtedly a window seat. This way you can lean up against the side of the plane to sleep.
4 : would have the answer to your question but if you can get an emergency aisle seat, that would be best as you would have more legroom.

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